2015年4月12日 星期日

Gifted & Sincere Students - Sharing on 1st Lesson of Class K 11/4 (Sat)

I’m surprised with the students: they are brilliant, passionate and motivated.

This is Class K, came with 10 energetic Form 1 students, with 2 boys and majority were girls. 

I started the class with a brief introduction: my career, the reason I teach and the way I learn English as a junior secondary student. Then I began the class with interactive exercise: The Matching of animal names and pictures. As Mr Wong mentioned the students pay more attention to pictures than text, and this stirred their motivation to learn. They filled the classrooms with answers and questions quickly. Most of the answers were matched quickly. For the blanks, I demonstrated an interactive method for them to look up, from the encyclopedia everyone can access ubiquitous – “Googling”. Instead of search the direct English-Chinese meaning, I encouraged them to look up on the image. This caught their attention and motivate them to dig deeper of the definition of words. I guided them through on my phone and encourage them to search when they encounter new words, hope they memorize new vocabularies and building a word bank.

Next I talked about the reading passage. I focused on the reading skills share by Mr Wong such as look up the answer directly (according to line 4) and “author and you”. Finally I handed the time to students and asked questions eagerly, from the vocabulary and the method to master English. I recommended they keep reading in English as a habit, from the topic of interest. Lastly I suggested they can taste the standard of DSE, by tuning the radio or replay form RTHK, to practice listening in real situation. Combining exam skills and learning English voluntary, I believe they are building confidence and growing up as cheerful teenagers.

Lee Hoi Leong (Jack)

